
May 2022 

In response to cases of monkeypox in the UK, colleagues are working hard with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) to evolve guidance covering diagnostics, infection control and clinical advice. Guidance, including information on sending samples to RIPL Porton Down, can be found at


Polio - June 2022

The UK Heath Security Agency (UKHSA), working with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), has found poliovirus in sewage samples collected from the London Beckton Sewage Treatment Works. Wastewater surveillance is being expanded to assess the extent of transmission and identify local areas for targeted action.

Healthcare professionals have been alerted by the UKHSA to these findings so they can promptly investigate and report anyone presenting with symptoms that could be polio, such as paralysis. For more information visit: UKHSA website.

Members of public are urged to ensure polio vaccines are up to date, especially parents of young children who may have missed an immunisation opportunity.

On this page you'll find a hub of resources for those working in virology, including links to upcoming College and CPD-accredited events.

Our virology committees

The College hosts a two virology committees, each meeting twice a year: the Medical Virology Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Medical Microbiology and Virology College Specialty Training Committee (CSTC). Visit the pages below to find out more about each committee and read the minutes.

Upcoming events 

Genomics and Clinical Virology

18–23, February 2024 (6 days)

New fellows ceremony - 21 February 2024, 5.30pm session

21 February 2024
London - North, Central and East London

New fellows ceremony - 21 February 2024, 11.30am session

21 February 2024
London - North, Central and East London


New virology resources

More resources for pathologists