The College is responsible for:
- managing the continuous development, implementation and evaluation of workplace-based assessments for medical and clinical scientist trainees.
- managing the Learning Environment for Pathology Trainees (LEPT) system, an online record of learning on which all workplace-based assessments are recorded.
- supporting and providing content for other e-portfolios such as the Online Learning and Assessment Tool (OLAT) for Clinical Scientists undertaking Higher Specialist Scientist Training (HSST) and the RCP ePortfolio for medical microbiology and medical virology.
These pages will support and assist trainees in the collection of evidence of their professional skills, attitude and appropriate everyday clinical competences which will be assessed through workplace-based assessments (WPBAs).
Trainees who specialise in chemical pathology, histopathology and oral and maxillofacial pathology must use the LEPT system for WPBAs as well as multi-source feedback (MSF), which also includes an ePortfolio to support the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) process.
Trainees in medical microbiology and medical virology must use the JRCPTB ePortfolio.
Clinical Scientist trainees undertaking HSST must use the OLAT provided by the National School of Healthcare Science.
There is guidance on the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges website about what information trainees should keep in their e-portfolio: