Sustainability and the environment

The College's strategy for a sustainable future

Acknowledging the detrimental effect of climate change on the population – most of whom become our patients at some point in their lives – is an important step towards reducing the negative impacts of pathology on the environment. The College recognises that it has a responsibility to promote the prudent use of resources amongst its members and staff as appropriate in order to protect the environment. 

The College aspires to reduce and minimise the environmental impact of its activities and to advocate for the health of our planet, by collating and disseminating examples of good practice in pathology, and educating and inspiring members to adopt these practices.

Trustee Board has appointed Dr Bernie Croal (President) and Daniel Ross (Chief Executive) as the College's sustainability leads.

In May 2020 we produced a strategy to provide clarity for both members and staff on:

  • the purpose of and a proposal for sustainable activities
  • a College policy regarding the environment and sustainability
  • a framework for action that contributes towards sustainability.

We will also review and update our existing environmental policy and introduce a framework for activities in support of sustainability initiatives.

We are in the process of developing a Net Zero strategy and carbon reduction roadmap for our operational activities, with the aim of presenting this to the Board for discussion in December 2023. This will include a quantification of our baseline carbon footprint.

Our progress to a more sustainable College


Office and College operations

Kitchen and food waste
