International Trainee Support Scheme

The International Trainee Support Scheme is an online based scheme that is aimed at supporting overseas doctors  (also known as ‘International Medical Graduates’) who are planning to sit the College’s fellowship examinations.

The International Trainee Support Scheme (ITSS) will provide structured support, advice, training and guidance to overseas doctors and scientists who are planning to sit the College’s FRCPath Part 1 examinations. 

Under the scheme, doctors are encouraged to register with the College at least twelve months before they intend to take the exam. Those registering with the scheme will benefit from the following:

  •  International Trainee membership of The Royal College of Pathologists;
  • Access to a web-based system which will support workplace-based assessment and trainee e-portfolio (also known as the ‘Learning Environment for Pathology Trainees’ (LEPT) System). This is speciality dependant and different Scheme fee applies. 
  • Access to e-learning materials and courses covering the curriculum, training and examination preparation;
  • An assigned College Mentor/ Educational Supervisor;
  •  A self-assessment tool and Personal Development Action Plan (PDAP);
  • Directed learning and assignments designed to address any gaps or weaknesses in knowledge, skills, understanding and behaviours;
  •  Detailed examination feedback (through the assigned College Mentor/ Educational Supervisor);
  •  A free copy of the College’s quarterly Bulletin and all College mailings (including the monthly e-newsletter) for the duration of training;
  • Priority access to the College’s Medical Training Initiative (MTI) and Clinical Attachments & Observership Schemes, which will enable Scheme Trainees to come to the UK for up to 24 months to undertake a period of higher speciality training and/or research; and
  •  Membership of the College’s International Trainee Forum (currently in development).


ITSS Application Form

The Scheme cost

The Scheme Admission Fee to join the Scheme in Histopathology is £495 (inclusive of access to the relevant e-portfolio) and £455 to join the Scheme in Medical Microbiology (not including access to the relevant e-portfolio).

 The payment is only required once the successful applicant has been offered a place on the Scheme. 

Please contact us via [email protected] should you have any further queries.