This years New Trainee Welcome Day was held virtually on Friday 20 August 2021.


Below are the presentations from the New Trainee Welcome Day.

At the event, we used an audience interaction platform called Slido. this allowed trainees to submit questions throughout the day. Below are the questions that were asked and answered during the event.

Questions and Answers


What's the difference between MCQs and SBAs?

Are all examinations planned to be conducted centrally at testing centres again in the future? Or will some remain online?

Are there any resources/courses recommended by RCPath as preparatory material for FRCPath part 1 exams?

Are there any question banks which is recommended (like PassMedicine for MRCP?)

How does timing of the Part 1 and 2 differ with less than full-time training?

Are sample questions the ones that are on the website?

How often do the exams take place in a year?

Is there a move to make the exams encompass digital pathology?

Are we allowed to take the FRCPath part 1 exam within 12 months of starting training?

Is there any specified time period in which one has to clear FRCPath part 2 exam after completing part 1 exam?

Do we have any funding support for the FRCPath exams/courses


Where can we find the Training Advisory Committee (TAC) contacts?

Will trainee events/ block teaching ever go back to real life, or will it all just be online from now on?

How do you get membership with some of the professional bodies like BDIAP who require an existing member to second you before you can join?

Is the research module still in the curriculum?

If someone applied to be a part of TAC, will they be guided initially?

Are there any other additional training/modules available to all pathology trainees (and consultants), apart from CHAT/CHCCT (which is just for histopathology) ?

Can extra time be organised in ST1 & 2 for those who know they want to pursue perinatal or forensic histopathology (and other sub-specialties)?

LTFT question: as we have already had approval by the deanery and started working LTFT, why must we reapply to the college as LTFT?

Are there any specific resources or members of RCPath that we can contact/use as an ST1 who is interested in forensic pathology?

Is the pathology portal useful for exam prep, is it geared towards that, or is it more about the weird and wonderful, rare things? Also, when will the portal be running?

Does everyone have access to the learner’s hub? Can we contribute at any stage of training?

Is the learner's hub to learn or assessments?

How do I find out about regional teaching days for combined infection training?

Do infection trainees have access to education hub?

Which locations around the UK offer training places for Paediatrics and Perinatal Pathology?

When is the best time to apply for neuropathology/perinatal pathology/forensic pathology training?

What’s the best time to pursue OOP such as a PhD?

Will I continue on the histopathology run-through programme if I am not got selected on one of the competitive programmes’ PPP/ neuropathology?

Is there a lot of difference between mainstream training and ACF?

How do we find out what our national training number is?

For chemical pathology FRCPath Part 2, is there a plan to make PhD compulsory? What would be the alternative to the project

Please provide more details about the molecular pathology starter programme please?

What is the college doing to support the rollout of digital pathology to all regions and hospitals?


It was mentioned that histopathology trainees need to include 'reflections' on their cases - could you explain this a bit more?

Is the LEPT system also for Microbiology, Virology and ID trainees?

Can we start collecting workplace-based assessments (WPBAs) even if the new LEPT system is not online yet?

What about additional forms that need to be uploaded but are not available on LEPT like ES forms, where/how do we put those?