Professional Performance Committee
The Professional Performance Committee, chaired by the College President, deals with professional performance and pathology service issues. Membership comprises: the President and other elected College Officers; the Director of Professional Standards; a lay member and any co-options needed to provide a sufficient range of professional representation.
Chair: Dr Michael Osborn (President)
Committee Members
- Professor Neil Anderson - Chair, Clinical Biochemistry SAC
- Dr John Ashcroft - Chair, Intercollegiate Committee on Haematology
- Professor Adrian Bateman - Chair, Cellular Pathology SAC & Annual meeting of the Sub-specialty Advisors
- Professor Sarah Coupland - Royal College of Pathologists Registrar
- Prof Angharad Davies - Vice President (Learning)
- Professor Peter Johnston - Vice-President (Professionalism)
- Dr Michael Eden - RCPath Clinical Director for Safety and Quality
- Dr Lance Sandle - Registrar
- Dr Stephen Morley - Assistant Registrar
- Dr Natasha Ratnaraja - Interim Chair, Joint Medical Microbiology and Medical Virology SAC
- Ms Katherine Timms - Director of Professionalism
- Mr Richard Smith - Head of Professional Practice