Old LEPT System
Multi-source feedback (MSF) for specialty trainees
MSF has been built into the Learning Environment for Pathology Trainees (LEPT) system. This is the College’s web-based system for workplace-based assessment which also includes a full e-Portfolio function.
MSF for ST3/5 and ST5/7 specialty trainees (Stages B-C/D)
The Royal College of Pathologists has developed a universal pathology focussed multi-source feedback (MSF) tool for StRs who are completing the requirements of Stage B - D of a General Medical Council (GMC) approved training programme in chemical pathology, chemical pathology (metabolic medicine), histopathology diagnostic neuropathology, forensic histopathology and paediatric and perinatal pathology. This is also applicable to Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology trainees. The MSF generates part of the necessary evidence for appraisal and the annual review of competence progression (ARCP).
It is a requirement for trainees to undertake three MSF assessments during training – at ST1/3, ST3/5 and ST5/7 prior to completion of training. This is in addition to workplace-based assessments.
Medical microbiology and virology trainees should access their MSF on the JRCPTB ePortfolio.
Please note that unlike ST1/first year trainees, other trainees will not receive notification from the College regarding the initiating of MSF assessments. Such trainees must commence the process themselves via the LEPT system in a timely manner to coincide with any forthcoming ARCPs.